The failing Greek economy has been a tragedy played out on
the world stage for what seems like forever. Europe’s moustached loafers, once the
envy of all hard-working northern Europeans and the subject of many an
incredulous holiday-maker’s anecdote became the lazy, feckless swine who were
endangering the stability of the noble Euro. Then as they began to protest
against the austerity imposed for their own good by the wise Troika, they
became the petulant children who were obviously never mature enough to have
economic sovereignty in the first place.
Now the Eurozone is finally starting to show signs of growth
and the Greek economy’s contraction is slowing despite the austerity, It is time for another renaissance because
it’s occurred to me that Greece had it right all along.
Entrepreneurism is now the buzz word on everybody’s lips
from the EU to the World Bank, from TED to Forbes. Governments across the world
are trying to be seen to encourage entrepreneurial spirit; our young are being
primed to make their own solutions. The apprentice, Dragon’s Den, How I made my Millions, Shark Tank; we are obsessed with start-ups. Sergey Brin, Richard
Reed, Richard Branson, Zuckerberg and the divine Steve Jobs; entrepreneurs are
the new movie stars.
Greeks are the leaders of entrepreneurism in Europe, at least. The economy has always been based on small and
medium businesses with the vast majority of shops in the high street family
owned. It is a given that if you want to earn a decent wage you need to do it
for yourself, even doctors treat the health system as a side job with their own
practice and consultancy being the real business. The truth is, getting a good
job in a big company and working your way up has never really been an option in
Greece. The only big companies would be the supermarket chains, banks and well,
that’s about it. European commission figures show that in 2009 Greece had just
about the highest levels of non-farming self-employment in the union at about
29.9% of employed population. What this means is that more people per capita
are actively involved in the country’s economy, not just clocking in and out
but with a real vested interest and the power to make change and as they are
the most heavily taxed in most cases, they also have more say over the policy
of the country.

In Britain, Margaret Thatcher under the mentorage of Freidrich
Hayek, won at least one election based on the promise of making more
home-owners knowing full-well that once the populous has a vested interest in
the country’s tomorrows, they will become better citizens. I ask you, what
could put your heart closer the core of the nation’s future than your own
business. A true symbiosis of state and citizen. Big companies may be able to
cajole or bully 100% from their workers, maybe with promotional prospects
employees may go that extra mile but when it’s you name above the door and your
house that’s been mortgaged, you give heart and soul.
Now the world has realised that when corporate industry is
too risk averse or short-term stock value oriented it is down to the people on the street
to innovate and make solutions. Many of the titans of ITC have start-up funds
like Google Ventures and MS Bing fund, even individuals are getting in on seed funding
via crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and Crowdcube but little of this
investment is getting to Greece.
Greece not only works but still has lessons for the rest of
the world’s economies. A steady salary
and dress-down Fridays may make people happy to go to work but put their name
on the letterheads and they’ll build you a nation.
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