Saturday, 13 October 2012

It's not just Quantity but Quality

Boycott Fuel 21st - 28th October

The resistance is mobilising again. A mass boycott of fuel is proposed from 21st to 28th October 2012. The aim is to hit the system so hard that it is forced to address the problem of price.   

Greece is in the top five most expensive countries in Europe for petrol. In fact, top 5 in the world. Looking at the members of this list you’ll see the countries with the highest disposable incomes in Europe such as Sweden, Norway and UK and you’ll see Euro-naughtiest like Italy, Portugal and Greece. 

Top 10 Most Expensive Countries For Petrol
Infographic provided by Staveley Head
But the price at the pump is not the only cost affecting the consumer. It is generally known the quality and measures that one pays for is often not what will be received.  

The practice of petrol stations and heating oil deliveries skimming off the top is virtually institutionalised either by ‘watering-down’ fuel or fixing the pumps to show more. You may notice that shortly after filling the gauge drops suddenly, you may even notice that your car is not quite as responsive. Unfortunately you may even notice nothing because it is so normal.

A friend of mine last year managed to get 22ltrs in a stamped 20 ltr container, the proprietor’s reply was head-scratching and “what d’ya know” dismissal. Of course relying on proper inspection by government bodies is more than one should expect from your tax-euro (quality of service has not matched the higher demands).

I recently tried a couple of filling stations locally and measured the mileage from each. My methodology was simple. €20 in the tank and see how many Km I get from it, of course the prices were different but I discovered something odd. I got more Km from the €20 at a more expensive station. This can only mean that either the quantity or the quality was better.  

looking after #1
A recent protest on 10/10/2012 against the removal of tax subsidies on domestic heating oil the tanker drivers and heating oil sellers blocked the roads around the Ministry of Macedonia-Thrace. This protest could be misconstrued as sympathy for the poor consumer and the inevitability of fuel poverty from the price of heating oil which has nearly tripled in three years. But no, they are interested in #1 as the price hike has already caused householders to look to other forms of fuel to heat their homes and those who can keep fuelled up will be ordering smaller and smaller quantities making the cost of delivery a more significant expense for them.

It strikes me that a synergy between suppliers and consumers could make a worthy adversary to the state but first the ground has to be levelled between us. The filling stations and heating oil suppliers need to play fair first.

Unfortunately, I think asking them nicely will not work. Challenge, boycott, report filling stations and heating oil suppliers who you suspect. Who to? The tax dept should be interested as the extra liquid used to ‘water-down’ your fuel is not taxable, call INKA, tell your neighbours until they are forced to play fair.
To get the ball rolling I will say that the SHELL in Thermi opposite Terkenlis seems to be good.

Use the comments below to share good news or name and shame.

1 comment:

  1. Good local small cyclon petrol station, honest guys prices average in Argiroupoleos street in Kalamaria area


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