Tuesday, 8 February 2011

The cost of enlightenment

Hard day at school love?
 It's about 11 o'clock on a cold night in a dense residential area. I'm heading for my car, key at the ready nervously looking over my shoulder. Suddenly I spot a group of teenagers coming my way, I fumble with my key but it won't find the hole. The teenagers are getting closer and I can see their hoods raised against the cold winter breeze. I try to calm my nerves and focus on getting onto the safety of my car. They are carrying backpacks, some dragging inches from the floor some bobbing around on their backs, tools, but for what heinous work. I get the key in the lock and turn. The buttons pop but its too late, they're upon me. I look for spotty glue sniffer mouths, no. I look for the paint stained hands of graffiti vandals, no but they are ink stained. The car is unlocked. I could leap in but that would now mean swinging the open door into their path, this could rouse them, anger them. I feel like I’m in a tube station at midnight but I’m not and there really is no need to be afraid. This is Greece and these kids are going home after classes, English, physics, ancient Greek. Why so late? Well here in Greece children’s schooling is not finished with the last bell, if anything that's where it starts for many.  

Monday, 31 January 2011

The Greek people are commited

Greek PM feels that the Greek people are behind him

Look behind you Georgie...
... isn't that Switzerland?

... Aaah there they are, maybe you just don't speak Greek

Saturday, 29 January 2011

Dr. Poopenclean's Bidet in your Pocket

Too busy to wipe?

Dear Blogees

After-dinner mint that cleans more than your breath
By way of a warm thank you for following me so loyally I would like to let you in on the ground floor of a new idea that's going to blow the doors off the personal hygiene market. I have invented a product that's going to make me richer than twitter with a planned second wave that could make Mark Zuckerberg my pool boy.

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Life on the hill

Dearest Blogees,
Went up to the supermarket and bumped into some of the locals....

No joke honest... but I did go for milk

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Enough is enough

Dear Blogees,
Watch this, a renowned economist, Richard D Wolff gives his views on the present economic crisis.


 So, stop me if I've got this wrong. We have a apparent deficit of currency, cash, the medium of exchange that was created to make commercial transactions more portable (very difficult to give you a heard of sheep for your 20 acres when we're in different ends of the country) despite the fact that we, I mean as a race, a nation, a economic future have enough to cover all the shortfalls. The resources that they represent have been used or still exist and inflation will dwindle their correlation.

Currency is a very abstract concept, especially if you consider that the gold standard is now but a myth. Credit allows the liquidation of non-existent currency. Basically money is something that has no intrinsic value other than its value of faith which is unsupported by a tangible resource (even gold only has a perceived value).

What I'm trying to say is that something that is not really in short supply and does not sustain life i.e. we can't eat it, drink it, use it for shelter is removing, on mass, peoples' ability to eat, drink and have shelter and that something was created to make life easier.

Go figure! 

check out this link (couldn't get it to be embedded) worry not it's BBC

Monday, 3 January 2011

10p for a cuppa tea, Guv?

Total bail-out package for Greece = € 110 billion
Population of Greece = 11,000,000

simple maths gives us €10,000 per head

Anyone lend me €40,000 before the interest kicks in?

Monday, 20 December 2010

Tough at the Top!

Greece is at present a nation in free-fall. Riots are nothing new and I have seen riots about just about everything from globalisation to regimes that have been deposed for nearly forty years. What is more relevant is the action of those who have no time to unite and destroy. Nothing. The majority of the worst hit are doing nothing but trying to get though to the next day, resigned to the belief that resistance is futile. What will be will be.

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Speak up!

Dear Blogees, I have had the stark realisation that genocide and other crimes against humanity may not be the only legacy left by Adolph Hitler, as if they were not enough. Another more diabolical dower struck me recently; Shouting. Mr Hitler didn't invent shouting, admittedly but he did a lot for popularising it as a political tool and by political I mean in its broader sense, as a means to manipulate and influence the populous. Our own Churchill flirted with shouting as a oratorical tool but due to his obvious lack of oral dexterity went back to his pontificant enunciation for his 'fight them on the beaches' speech. Lenin before him had gotten his underclothes in an undulation from time to time but it was the Führer who got it to the masses and really showed its potential to the world.

From Under Dark Clouds

The Century of DIY