The door effortlessly slid aside and a small boy stepped in from the corridor. He walked up to a screen in the wall and touched a panel. The screen changed from an image of a tropical fish-tank and a friendly female face appeared.
“How can I help you chuck?” the face inquired.
“Down study-files from my tutor-base at school, reference LOST CIVILISATIONS”
“Done Chuck. Some home study?”
“Yup sure! Jobs says knowledge is power”
“How wise!”
The boy ran his hand over the panel and the fish-tank reappeared.
“Chuck! Is that you, boy?” came a deep voice from another room.
“You betcha Daad” the boy called back.
“Get me some cookies and calsovit and come in here”
“Yup sure Daad”. The boy walked up to the tray dispenser and took out a small tray with two round holes and a flat area for cookies. He slid the tray to the next point where he verbally requested cookies and was duly rewarded with four round cookies. Next for the drink and the machine dispensed two beakers of white liquid with a moo! He carried the tray into another room where a man sat at a large terminal.
“Ola Daad”
“Hi son, how was school today?”
“Gee, Rootin Daad! I loaded plendi. I got some home study about lost civilisations from before the great virus!” the boy smiled enthusiastically.
“Lost civilisations? Hey, how datasome.”
“Yup sure Daad! We loaded files about Atlantis, the brand that sunk down into the ocean, the Incas and the last great Empire” The boy paused to sip his drink and nibble his cookie.
“The last Empire? Oh! I know that one, it was the Brits if I recall correct.”
“Radical Daad nice recall! It was the Great British Empire and they controlled most of the world without APPS!”
“Yup sure son they didn’t have APPS then, that was before the great Jobs upped himself from cyberspace to save us from the Great virus with his fruit of wisdom.” They both observed a pause of respect.
“The whole corporation was controlled, or rooled”, the boy paused to focus on his new word and his father looked suitably impressed, “by a Queen!” the boy smirked. “In those days a Queen was a woman who had power and a non-functional wardrobe!”
“Well who-da” the man pondered.
“Yup siree to Musk, Daad it’s true as the constitution! She was so powerful, like with magic that she could control the sun! They said the sun never set on her Empire.”
“Is that right son?” the man looked on incredulously.
“No jokin! And her name was Victory”
“So Chuck, if we know all this what the rootin’s Lost?” the man quizzed. His attention caught by the drink in his hand that he had forgotten. He drank. He looked at his son, who was merrily nibbling on his cookie, and smiled. Chuck looked up at his father and smiled, his white liquid moustache glistened. The man looked at his son and smiled, he realised that something was amiss. “Missy, what was the conversation?”
“The topic of conversation Mr. Hank was Chuck’s home study lost civilisations. In particular the Great British Empire of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.”
“But Missy I don’t know anything about the Great British Empire!” the man said dumbfounded.
“Billickers Daad, we loaded that at school today! I know all about it.”
“If I may contribute the last question was…” the computer replayed last pertinent question about what in fact was lost from this civilisation “ Does that help at all?”
“Damn tootin it does Missy. I don’t know what we would do without you, peesies are so smart. So chuck, what in the name of Gates is lost?” pleased that they were back on track the man took a big bite out of his cookie to find that he had already finished it.
“Well Daad” the boy lowered his voice and crouched slightly, “nobody has a notion of where Great Britain was. We know that the Empire’s power went as south as the states of Oz and Zealan as east as the province of Honkong and even a powerful leader called Tom Jones controlled Vegas, but we don’t know where the HQ was. We can’t even be sure of what they looked like. Some say they were people of color, some say they were as white as Jobs himself. Evidence has been found of their occupation all over the planet and many references of Great Britain but no country. Some say they came from somewhere around what we call Hermany because we know they made a fabulous vehicle called a Rolls and they found evidence of its manufacture in this area. Some say they came from Spane, because this is where they discovered the most flags but It could have been just a very loyal colony.
The dad smiled at his son with pride, his pupils still directed at the screen before him. “Yeah?”
“Lol, Daad!”
A ping came from the terminal.
“Lol, son.”
“O me Gee Daad!”
“Calsovit and cookies?”
“Double Like,Daad!”
Missy pondered the scene before her, logged all relevant data and despaired.